3 Things You Learn When Adopting A Cat

3 Things You Learn When Adopting A Cat

The decision is made and a pussy will be part of the family. Welcome be. But in addition to the recommendations that you have to be a responsible owner, as you will be taking care of a living being and not a disposable object, we’ll tell you some of the things you can learn when adopting a cat.

The responsibility of adopting a pussy

No matter how much independent reputation these animals have, it doesn’t mean that they take care of themselves. This is the first thing you should know when adopting a cat. If you don’t have the time or resources to become responsible for the pussy, it’s best that you postpone the decision to adopt it until your conditions are better.

But if incorporating the pussy into your home is already a fact, remember that :


  • You must provide adequate food for the pet’s age, size and physical condition, and always provide it with fresh water.
  • It has to provide you with: a comfortable and clean space to rest, places to hide and feel safe (boxes, for example), appropriate toys and scrapers for your nails.
  • You will have to vaccinate him and deworm him as instructed by the veterinarian. Remember to inform the professional if your kitten has access to the outside. And keep in mind the issue of sterilization.
  • Play and pampering are essential for the pussy to be always healthy and happy. If you spend a lot of time outside, consider adopting another kitten.
  • If there are children in the home, explain to them how they should treat the animals. And, as in all cases, don’t leave them alone with a pet.

Things You Will Learn When Adopting a Cat

With these clarifications made, and with the furry mew already adapted to its new home, we will move on to the things you will learn from the wonderful experience of living with a cat.

1-A cat is not a meowing dog

Although pussies are adapted to living in groups, they are not group animals like dogs. So don’t expect him to recognize you as the authority or walk through life begging for your attention. But, as they are very intelligent, living with them is more than possible. Also, respect your times and your wishes. He will let you know if he wants to play. Or if it’s the right time for pampering.

2-What does your feline friend do when he considers you his property and trusts you

If your cat rubs its head over different objects it is because it is leaving its scent marks and delimiting its territory. If the pet does the same to you, especially rubbing its head against your legs, it is also signaling that you are part of its territory.

On the other hand, if your feline friend throws himself on his back in front of you, he is asking you to stroke his furry belly, fulfill his will. It also means that he fully trusts you. And if he decides to “clean” you -as he does with his congeners-, licking your hands, fur, etc., congratulations. The pussy clearly and sincerely considers you to be one of his own.

3-Living with pussies improves your health and makes you happier

adopt cat

Cats are naturally anti-stress. Although you may have had a rough day, stroking your pussy or playing with her for a while will put an end to your bad mood and alleviate your anguish and anxiety. Do the test.

Different studies have stated that people who live with cats are healthier and happier. The purr of cats, in addition to having a calming effect, regulates blood pressure in humans.

So you should know that when you adopt a cat, in addition to saying goodbye to depression and loneliness, you are also decreasing your risk of cardiovascular disease and increasing your life expectancy. So love and take care of your pussy a lot.

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