Raccoon: Characteristics, Behavior And Habitat

The mysterious raccoon is a very well-known species in the United States, but it is certainly exotic in Europe. Next, learn more about his curious behavior.
Raccoon: characteristics, behavior and habitat

The raccoon is a very well-known species in the United States, but somewhat exotic in Europe. And that’s even with this omnivore having managed to spread across much of the continent since the 20th century, due to the fur industry. In Spain there are also wild raccoons.

Raccoon Characteristics

The raccoon is one of the most representative omnivorous animals in America, belonging to the family of Procionidae, as well as the raccoon. This species usually weighs around seven kilos, but has the capacity to accumulate fat and reach up to 15 kilos. Its coat varies from gray to black, and is characterized by having a curly tail and a face with fur that resembles a mask.

These animals have teeth adapted to their varied diet, which is composed of rodents, amphibians, eggs and even fruits and seeds. Therefore, they have a mandible with 40 teeth, which are developed canines and molars adapted to this mixed diet. Raccoon breeding takes place early in the year, and litters are born from April to May, depending on latitude.

raccoon behavior

Its multipurpose diet makes the raccoon one of the wild animals that make the most of human waste, which makes them considered pests, being very affected by hunting and roadkill. In their encounters with humans, they are generally peaceful, but can become aggressive and bite, especially in the presence of dogs and other domestic animals.

These animals often approach river beds to eat and even wash, which is why they are known as washer bears. They are nocturnal and solitary animals, and males and females only come together to reproduce.


It is noteworthy that some ethnologists challenge this classic concept of the lone raccoon. In fact, recent studies show that females often share food and band together to eat it in rivers, while males form coalitions to defend territory.

Raccoon Habitat

The raccoon’s habitat is deciduous or mixed forests, where it sleeps inside trees, in burrows or caves, and live near rivers and other river surroundings. Through their use of human waste and even pet food, they were able to adapt to urban surroundings. Therefore, we can find them in garages, penthouses and residential areas.

The boreal species, the most widespread, lives from southern Canada to Panama. Its presence in Europe is relatively recent  and, as we have already said, it is due to escapes from fur farms.

However, in Spain several colonies of recent creation appeared. This is a result of the raccoon becoming a pet after they became fashionable in the United States. Thus, it began to be exported to Europe, and dozens of copies were abandoned.

Raccoons are very bad pets as they can be aggressive and, being nocturnal, they adapt poorly to humans’ schedules. When abandoned, they destroy nests of native species, and can transmit rabies. Therefore, they are considered an invasive species and are sacrificed, showing – again – the consequences of human selfishness.

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