Agapornis: Characteristics, Breeds And Care

Do you want to meet love parakeets? Their characteristics make them really special birds. Read more about lovebirds below.
Lovebirds: characteristics, breeds and care

Lovebirds, also known as love parakeets or inseparables, are among the most popular types of parrots in the world. Although they are native to Africa, their population has spread globally and many of them are being adopted as pets.

The main races 

Currently, nine breeds of lovebirds are recognized by specialists as the ‘primitive or ancestral races’. However, with the growth of their breeding in captivity, it is estimated that there are several subspecies that originated from the crossing of ancestors.

Next, we’ll look at the three most popular types of lovebirds:

Inseparable-from-Fischer ( Agapornis fischeri )

This lovebird from East Africa  is named after the explorer Gustav Fisher It is a very agile and beautiful breed, which emits strong calls and very high volumes.

One of its most distinctive features is the so-called eye ring, which means that the region around the eyes is featherless and white. Its plumage has different shades of green, yellow and orange.

On the back, wings and chest, we observe an intense green, while the top of the head is olive green. Her face is highlighted by a very intense orange, which harmoniously combines with the yellow of the neck. On the tail, there may be bluish feathers.

Agapornis roseicollis

The agapornis roseicollis is a medium-sized bird, about 15 cm long, native to southwestern Africa. In some countries it is also called “peach face” because of the appearance of its face.

Its head and face reveal an orange-pink color very similar to the aforementioned fruit. However, the plumage of its body predominates a green color. Females tend to have feathers of more subdued colors and a larger head than males.

This breed stands out for being very sociable and emit a wide range of sounds, being very communicative with people. Furthermore, they have a life expectancy of around 20 or 25 years and can live up to 30 years under favorable conditions.

For these reasons, they are very popular as pets.

Agapornis personatus

Lovebird specimens

The inseparable personatus are among the most striking breeds of lovebirds. They are characterized by having black or dark brown feathers on the head, which combined with the eye ring, form a kind of mask on the face.

As for the color of their plumage, these birds are divided into two lines: blue line and green line. In birds with a green line, there is a predominance of the green color, with a yellow collar and a red beak; in the blue line, the blue color predominates on the body along with the white chest.

Although they can make very loud sounds, personatus are often silent. Due to their great physical strength and balanced personality, they are among the most common birds in the exotic bird market. Their life expectancy is estimated to be between 15 and 20 years in captivity.

Basic care

responsible adoption

Unfortunately, many lovebirds continue to be victims of trafficking in exotic animals. Therefore, it  is essential to know where to acquire this bird as a pet.

The ideal is to go to an exotic animal rescue center, where we will find birds looking for a new home and a responsible caregiver. As they are very sociable birds that form stable pairs, it is recommended to adopt a pair of lovebirds, not just one.

preparing the cage

Before taking your partner to your new home, it will be essential to prepare a comfortable and safe environment for him. The first step will be to choose the ideal cage for your birds at a pet store.

It is recommended to purchase a large, sturdy cage where birds can move freely. A good cage for a couple of birds should measure 1 m wide x 0.50 m high x 0.50 m deep.

Metal cages are more hygienic, as wood facilitates the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

It will be essential to choose a good feeder and drinker for your birds, ensuring they are appropriate for their size. Stainless steel feeders are more hygienic, and it is recommended to purchase a ball drinker to prevent the water from accumulating impurities.

Finally,  we must enrich our birds’ cage to stimulate them physically and mentally. In addition to bird-friendly toys, we recommend adding a natural perch to the space.

bird with teddy bear


Lovebirds are omnivorous birds that consume seeds, fruits, vegetables and some small animals. In addition to choosing the right feed as the basis of your diet, we must also offer fresh, natural foods.


These are very clean birds and require hygiene care in their cage. It is recommended to wash the feeder, the drinking fountain and the excrement tray daily. The cage will also need a thorough washing once a week.

preventive medicine

These birds can suffer from internal and external parasites with some ease. For this reason, periodic deworming will be essential to maintain your good health.

It is very advisable to have the guidance of a specialized veterinarian to provide suitable preventive medications for your birds.

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