The Kitten Is Cute…but Does He Like Us?

The kitten is beautiful...but does he like us?

Knowing if our kitten  likes us is a little more complicated than being able to recognize the love of a dog. Dogs are much more expressive and show their love in many ways, while felines are independent beings and although they seek our affection in different ways, it is not always easy to know what their feelings are.

Despite everything, although we know that our cat seeks our affection, it is important for us to feel that he likes us. How can we do that? Paying attention to the signals they send to us.

Signs Your Kitten Likes You

Here you will find the unmistakable signs of the love your cat feels for you:

  1. Rub your head and cheeks on you. This gesture is not just because cats nod their heads, but because there is a greater concentration of pheromones in this part of the body and is a way of rubbing their scent on you and, in turn, absorbing yours. It’s like creating a familiar odor.
  2. If his purrs increase when you pet him. The purr is a sound that no doubt wants to imply that he is calm and relaxed. So when a cat does it while you’re petting it, it shows how comfortable it is and how much you value being by your side.
  3. If he shows you his belly. Standing on your stomach unprotected is a somewhat vulnerable posture. If your cat is about to do this, without any shame, there is no doubt that he trusts you completely.
  4. If he lifts his tail. If, when receiving a pat on the back, he lifts his tail, it demonstrates that he is comfortable beside you and feels love for you.
  5. If he bites you. Cats, like the rest of animals, do not have the ability to speak, so they show their feelings in other ways. When he bites your fingers or your nose, there is no doubt that he is showing his love for you. In fact, if you watch baby kittens with their mother, one of the things they constantly do is bite her ears gently.

More Signs Your Cat Likes You

  1. If he licks you. Licking you is his way of showing his love, or perhaps he thinks he needs an extra shower a day…
  2. If he crushes you. If your cat crushes you, you can no longer be in doubt of your affection. They make this gesture when they feel safe and secure. It’s innate to them, and, in fact, since newborns they do it, when they push, squashing their mother’s teat so that the breast milk flows while they are suckling.
  3. If he sleeps on top of you. Although it can sometimes bother us, cats sleep close to the ones they like best. Plus, if he chose to make you a “mattress” for this, be happy, your cat likes you.

  1. If he gives you gifts. Although we know that a dead bird or rat is not a gift we dream of, bringing it to you is a sign that he has thought of you and wants to protect and care for you for one simple reason: he likes you.
  2. The slow blink. One way cats communicate is through blinking. When they are slow, it is a sign of peace, relaxation, and that they feel at ease. If your cat does this, make no mistake, he likes you a lot.

These are just a few unmistakable signs that your cat loves you. Also show your love every day, because that way the coexistence will be easier and lighter.

If you still can’t identify these gestures in your cat, don’t worry. If he is adopted, it is possible that he has been abandoned or mistreated and has some mistrust. Give him time, and, above all, lots and lots of love. With patience and affection, everything is achieved.

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