Basic Education For A Doberman

Given the great intelligence of this race, he will learn very quickly what will be taught, although for the same reason he will try to avoid his obligations. 
Basic Education for a Doberman

Many first-time owners of dogs considered  dangerous are hesitant to properly educate their pets. If you are also concerned about giving your pet proper training that will allow it to maintain a healthy and respectful relationship, these basic  Doberman education tips   can help you reach your goal.

The Dobermann, from faithful guard dog to dangerous breed

Dobermans arrived in the UK and also the American continent in the early 20th century.  Coming from Germany, their  reputation as a loyal guard dog made them a very popular breed that became a  symbol of wealth.

The  Second World War, however, has turned around 180 degrees to fame these animals. As  loyal pets of Nazi officials, the media at the time began to regard them as  ‘demon dogs’,  despite the great intelligence and loyalty they always showed to their masters.


Basic education for a Dobermann, a loyal and intelligent breed

The  Dobermann  is, by nature,  very intelligent, which means that they  learn very quickly  everything that its owner teaches them. This has its advantages and disadvantages, as they will know how to please you and also  how to avoid your obligations.

This breed loves mental gymnastics, so their training should be geared  more towards an intellectual stimulus than a physical one. Despite this, the Dobermann has a large size and a very active metabolism, so ideally  you get a combination of both stimuli.

The  training positive is usually the best way to make your dog learn, and this breed is  essential : the Doberman feel a great attachment to its owner and the owner must prove that are reliable from the first moment.

If, out of fear of their size or their bad reputation, you use extreme methods of punishment, such as  yelling, kicking, or strangling, they will begin to fear and react accordingly.

Doberman dogs

After starting the training, make sure he understands what “NO” and “YES” mean. In the case of  desirable behaviors, once performed, approach the dog, say loud and clear “YES” and reward him with a toy or some treat.

Until he understands the meaning of that word, try to encourage him until he shows signs of improvement, however minimal. In the case of  undesirable behavior, try to  focus their attention on something else,  so that they stop doing what they are doing.

If he already understands what “YES” means, instead of teaching them to understand “NO”,   ignore their behavior  and don’t reward them when they misbehave. It will be easy for them to see that something is not going right, and they will try to figure out how to get the reward again. If they still don’t improve their behavior, use the ‘NO’ loud and clear.

Early socialization, essential for any type of race

Exposing puppies to environments that allow them to become familiar with other people from the first minute is the best solution for:

  • Lose the fear of strangers. This is especially important to avoid defensive reactions on the streets, especially if you live in a busy city.
  • Get him used to being quiet and calm when you can’t pay attention to them. If he doesn’t get used to lying down or sitting quietly while you talk, he’ll never be able to reconcile his social life with your pet’s needs.
  • Trusting yourself and those around you more. A puppy feels safe only with what he knows. If he has been surrounded by people all his life, it will be easy for him to trust you, your family, and your relatives.

These were our basic education tips for a Doberman. We hope you have success with them!

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