Tips For Pet Ownership

This exotic animal, despite having been domesticated recently, still maintains wild habits typical of a wild species. 
Tips for having a ferret as a pet

Would you like to have a ferret as a pet? So you must keep in mind some very important issues before taking it home. Although there are more and more people who adopt one, they need special care, unlike dogs and cats.

Tips for having a ferret as a pet

It is said that the ferret is similar to dogs in terms of health; for example, we should vaccinate him against rabies.

It is the third most common pet today and it is essential to know how to take care of it and provide everything it needs. For this, pay attention to the following tips:

  1. dangers

Ferrets like to get into dangerous places because they are quite curious: closets, behind furniture, under the oven, folding chairs, inside the sofa, etc.

If you have one as a pet, we recommend that you pay close attention to where it hides and plays to avoid a serious accident.

  1. Cage

It will be the place where the animal will spend most of the day, so it must attend to its needs. While you can let it roam freely throughout the house, we recommend having a cage as well. So he can play, rest and spend his energy.

ferret biting its cage

  1. Vet

Having a ferret as a pet is a responsibility. And that includes taking him to the vet periodically for a health check.

Of course, it  is essential to keep your vaccination book up to date after two months of life.

  1. tours

As with a dog, the ferret also needs to get out of the house, walk around the park and even socialize with other pets, even if they are of another species.

You can buy a special strap with a chest harness and take it for walks. First, opt for quiet and peaceful places, until he gets used to going out.

  1. Kids

Having a ferret as a pet can be wonderful for the little ones at home, as this animal gets along very well with them.

However, you should be careful not to treat it like a toy. Although it has been domesticated, it still retains many of the habits and reflexes of a wild animal.

If he feels threatened, he may bite or attack  children  to defend himself.

  1. food

Ferrets are carnivores by nature; however, some people choose to feed them cat or dog food. 

Consult your veterinarian or review the product label: it should contain abundant meat derivatives and not cereals, as they may not digest them well.

ferret feeding

Avoid feeding your pet fish, milk, sugar and nuts… they are toxic to the species!

  1. Hygiene

One of the main problems with having a ferret as a pet is that it is a somewhat ‘ stinky ‘ animal , especially if it is not neutered.

This particular aroma is very intense and unbearable if he sleeps close to us or spends all day indoors. Try to bathe it once in a while, especially in summer or if it gets really dirty.

  1. jokes

Although ferrets spend about 14 hours a day sleeping, when they are awake they can be very active and need attention.

This happens mainly at sunrise and sunset. If he sleeps in a cage, you’ll have to let him out to play for a while.

One of the activities that he enjoys most is hiding, as long as we are careful that there is no danger around him. Another option is to simulate the ‘hunt’, where the owner tries to capture it.

He may try to bite “playfully” like a cat does, as a sign that he is having fun.

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