All About Pet Names

All about pet names

Everyone who decides to adopt a pet ends up facing the great dilemma of naming it. They will be part of our family and in addition to providing them with a home, care, affection and food, the name we give them is very important. This is possibly one of the first decisions we will have to make when having a pet at home.

“My Animals” wants to help you in this arduous task, so we will give you some simple advice on how to choose your pet’s name. Besides, it can be a lot of fun to choose it as a family.

Characteristics of pet names

Dogs and cats

The first thing you’ll have to take into account is that the name will identify your pet, just as it does for humans. For this, a name that does not influence or distort your pet’s image is preferable . An example is not to give a name that could be derogatory to your pet, think that people might be scared.

We also happen to choose a name that has a meaning for us, whether it’s that of our old pet or that reminds us of something very special.

We can use a name that identifies the animal’s physical appearance, be it the color of its fur, the shape of its eyes and even one that has to do with our animal’s personality. Also consider when choosing a name, that it agrees with your size or with the breed of your pet, this way you do not ridicule the animal.

It might be nice to put in a person’s name, but it can be annoying for the person with the same name.

Try to choose a short name that is no more than three syllables. This way he will easily understand and when you pronounce his name he will answer your call. Don’t think that because it’s a short name, your pet will be disoriented, it’s just the opposite.

It is important that the chosen name is not confused with the words you use for your training, for example “sit”, “lay down”, “no”, as this will create confusion in your pet and it will not know if you is calling you or giving you some order.

The most popular names for dogs

According to a survey carried out, the ten most common dog names are:

for males

First is the name Max, as we can see, this name fulfills the characteristics we mentioned earlier, it is short, simple and not to be confused with any other word.

The second most chosen name by male dog owners is Bruno.

In third name is Zeus.

Fourth is Thor.

In fifth position Rocky.

In Friday Toby.

Seventh position Luke.

Eighth position Coco.

In the ninth, Jack.

And lastly Rocco.

If you’re looking for a name for your dog, you might choose one of these ten.

for females

Now let’s mention the most common names in females.

First is the name Luna.

In second position Kira.

The third most chosen name is Lola.

Fourth Nala.

In fifth position Mia.

In sixth place is Kiara.

In seventh Princess.

In eighth position Sasha.

In ninth Maya.

And lastly Nina.

The most popular names of cats

cat puppies

Now let’s mention the 10 most common cat names, as you can see below, in the case of cats, there are some names that coincide with the bitches. Let’s see the results.

for males

First we find Tom’s name.

In second place Simba.

In third position Zeus.

In fourth place Nino.

In fifth position Felix.

In sixth place Romeo.

In seventh position Silvestre.

In eighth Coco.

In ninth Garfield.

And the tenth most chosen name is Tito.

for females

Now let’s see the most common cat names.

The most common name in cats is Luna.

In second place Kitty.

In third place Nina.

In fourth position Lola.

In fifth place Pelusa.

In sixth position Mia.

In seventh place Kira.

In eighth position Misha.

Ninth Princess.

And the tenth most common name is Isis.

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