Post-operative Care With A Dog

Post-operative care with a dog

No one questions the fact that our pets are part of our family ; anything that happens to them fills us with worry. One of the most difficult times that we can live with our dog is when they undergo some surgery. Therefore, it is important that we learn a little about the post-operative care that we should have with a dog.

When our dog undergoes surgery, the care that we will give them later will be essential for his recovery. It doesn’t matter the type of operation; it will be the aftercare that will guarantee the success of his recovery.

We must take into account that just as this process is  distressing for us, it’s also for them. Entering an unknown dynamic, leaving the everyday, together with the pain and discomfort, can affect them a lot. The key, then, is to try to make them feel as comfortable and confident as possible.

Obviously, our dog’s stay in the clinic will depend on the seriousness of the intervention . More complicated surgeries mean that the animal will be in the care of specialists for a few days.

dog in the veterinarian

When the veterinarian releases you, it will be the time when we will have to have the necessary knowledge to assist you at home.

Learn about post-operative care with a dog

  • Unless you tell us otherwise, it’s not good to feed a dog after surgery. You have to wait at least 24 hours to start feeding him. He may vomit from anesthesia; it’s important to give him water frequently and keep him hydrated.
  • Have a comfortable space available for both you and your dog. It should be a quiet place, with no constant activity, and where you can easily monitor it. Reserve a place nearby so he can take care of his needs and pick up your food.
  • Our pet will likely lose its appetite in the first few days after the surgery . To recover your stomach gradually, we will try to give you broth or light food during this period. You can also look for those foods that have been prescribed by your veterinarian specifically for the post-op periods.
  • If the veterinarian has prescribed medication, give it exactly as he prescribed it. You can also ask about the best way to give your pet medication; we already know how restless they are at these times.
  • The surgical wound must be clean and dry. So let’s prevent it from getting infected. Clean with an antiseptic and gauze as often as the veterinarian indicates.
  • We must be aware of any changes in the wound. If you notice pus, redness, or swelling, notify your veterinarian immediately.
  • If the veterinarian indicates that the wound should be covered with a bandage, we must leave the  bandages  clean and dry. Also, it is important to prevent the dog from pulling them out.

dog at the veterinarian

Precautions to promote wound healing

  • Dogs tend to lick their wounds. One of the most important post-operative cares is to prevent the dog from licking or biting the  wound . For this there is an Elizabethan collar, which must be put on for at least 15 days, or until the vet says that the wound is completely healed.
  • We must be aware of our dog’s evacuation habits. If we notice that he spends a lot of time and does not defecate or urinate normally, it will be necessary to contact the specialist.
  • Avoid physical exercise. After surgery, it is recommended that the dog stay in a state of rest. For the first few days it will be normal for him to be quiet, but when he feels better he will want to run and play. It is necessary to avoid physical activity until the wound is healed; above all, try to prevent him from going up or down stairs.
  • If there are children in the house, you have to explain to them that they won’t be able to play with the dog for a while. It is also good to teach children the basics about the care that your furry friend will require during this period.
  • If there are multiple pets in the house, it would be advisable to keep them separate during recovery. A fight or a simple joke could affect the wound, and in any case it would increase the recovery time of the operated animal.

Always remember that the success of a surgery goes beyond the surgery Center . The care we offer you at home will guarantee the full recovery of our pet.

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