How Do Cats Mark Territory In A House?

How do cats mark territory in a house?

As territorial animals that they are, cats mark territory to communicate with their brethren and to inform them of their domains. It’s a natural behavior and, in some cats, it’s more frequent than in others, but it won’t go away even if your purring friend spends much of his time indoors. That’s why we’ll tell you how cats mark territory in a house.

Cats mark territory in three ways, find out what they are

The pussy, then, through the marking, communicates with olfactory and/or visual signals, through:

cats mark territory

  • from urine
  • of pheromones
  • From scratches on vertical surfaces

Although, in some cases, if the marking becomes excessive and continuous, it is possible that the animal is stressed or that it feels uncomfortable or in disagreement with a certain situation, you should not forget that you are facing a natural behavior of your domestic feline and that it is by no means a problem of behavior.

Anyway, consult the veterinarian to clear all doubts about it.

Visual and olfactory marking through scratches

By scratching different objects in the house, including furniture and even walls, cats mark territory with both visual and olfactory signs.

Because in addition to the effect that your pussy’s nails can be noticed on different vertical surfaces of your home, this action is also leaving olfactory marks, imperceptible to you, but not to other cats, through the pheromones they secrete through situated glands on her pads and between her little fingers.

In addition to this form of marking, there is also the usual sanding of the nails, which every self-respecting pussy does. So if your pet doesn’t have access to the outside, get a good scraper and get him used to using it. Your furniture will thank you for it.

Pheromones, one of the protagonists of feline ‘signaling’

Undoubtedly, you have already noticed more than once that your mewing friend rubs against different objects and even against you. In the pussies’ heads and under their tails, there are also glands that secrete pheromones.

So, if through these chemical substances the animal is signaling to its congeners that that is its territory, know that you also belong to it.

But it is not just you who is your “property”, so are the chairs, the rest of the furniture and many objects that are within your reach in the house.

The pee, the most olfactory way cats mark territory

One of the most unpleasant forms of feline marking for us humans is undoubtedly through urine, given the strong and persistent smell of cat pee, especially if the animal has not been neutered.

This type of marking can be done in the normal way, when the cat feels like urinating, but in the place they want to “mark”, instead of doing the toilet tray or litter box. Also, through so-called spray marking. In this case, the pussy stands still on its four legs and spews its urine like a fine shower.

But although this is a more common attitude in uncastrated males, females and neutered males can also mark territory in this way.

In search of coexistence with her pussy and her marking

cats mark territory

The favorite places and elements for pussies to mark with their urine seem to coincide with those their owners use on a daily basis, such as the sofa and bed, possibly as a “smelling” way to reinforce the bond. But the walls and other furniture aren’t freed from being marked either, don’t be fooled.

If the different ways your pussy uses to mark its territory are causing problems in your daily life and putting your furniture at serious risk, be sure to consult a specialist.

As we’ve already mentioned, scratching for nails and castration for marking with urine can help to alleviate these uncomfortable attitudes for you, but definitely normal for a pussy.

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