Know What Your Dog Is Trying To Tell You

Know what your dog is trying to tell you

Dogs don’t just communicate through barking and other sound expressions. They also “talk” with their body, especially with their eyes, tail and ears. They also do it with their distinct physical attitudes or signs. So they manifest love, fear, pain, jealousy, joy and a long list of other emotions. Below is some information so you can interpret what your dog is trying to tell you.

How does your dog try to tell you that he loves you and that he is happy

A dog that loves its owner is happy and shows its joy with different parts of its body. Certainly he will not fail to move his tail in an energetic way and will observe you with lively and bright eyes. Also, pay attention to these details:

dog watching

  • If his ears are cocked forward or up, it’s because he’s paying too much attention to everything you say;
  • If he has his eyes wide open, he is alert and playful. If you blink, this is also a sign that you want to play;
  • If he lies down with his front legs outstretched and his hind legs raised, he is inviting you to play with him;
  • If he barks short and sharp, he’s being friendly. A howl with similar characteristics is showing happiness or emotion.

Signs Your Dog Feels Jealous

Dogs are also jealous, whether of other animals or of some people. This problem usually arises when a new member arrives in the family: another pet, a baby, a new partner, etc.

The ways your dog tries to tell you he’s feeling jealous can be varied. He will surely try to get your attention. For example:

  • Barking excessively when you are dealing with the person or animal that arouses your jealousy;
  • Urinating all over the house or breaking different household objects;
  • Chasing you all the time or hiding from you;
  • Eating excessively or showing a lack of appetite.

How your pet tries to tell you it’s scared

When a dog is afraid of something or someone, he can also express his fear in a variety of ways. Between them:

  • He seeks to hide from that thing or person that frightens him;
  • Bark or directly attack the object/subject that terrifies you;
  • It remains motionless, as if waiting for the reason for its fear to simply disappear;
  • May present with tachycardia, tremors, hypersalivation, dilated pupils, sighs.


  • His fur stands up;
  • Your body hits the ground;
  • Its tail is down or tucked between its paws;
  • He brings his ear back;
  • Stares at the person, animal, or thing that it feels is a threat;
  • Emits short moans.

How to recognize if your dog is sick or in pain

Your pet is very smart, but hasn’t yet learned to ask to go to the vet when he feels bad. So, pay attention to these signs that may indicate that a dog is sick or in pain :

  • Sudden loss of appetite;
  • Apathy: has no desire to play and sleeps almost all the time;
  • Exaggeratedly touches a specific part of your body;
  • Shows restless;
  • His tail is down and he moves very little;
  • Emits high-pitched moans.

Also, if he howls or barks briefly, but with a loud tone, he may be expressing sudden pain. If the pain is severe, he will do it at regular intervals.

Learn to decode other signals your dog gives off

dog lying on the grass

Also note these questions:

  • If he has his ears turned back or down, yawns more than usual, compulsively licks some parts of his body, destroys things and barks excessively, he is stressed or anxious.
  • If he throws himself on his back, he may be showing respect for authority or passive resistance to a perceived threat.
  • If you’re willing to attack, perhaps show the whites of your eyes and directly observe your potential threat. It’s also likely to show its teeth, its tail is low or tucked between its paws, and its body is stiff and leaning forward.
  • If you put your paw on your knee, you are asking for your attention.
  • If it barks continuously, quickly and in a low tone, it is because it has detected the presence of a stranger or a nearby danger.

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