Tips For A Cat To Eat Healthily

Factors such as the amount of protein or fat, as well as the level of hydration, among others, are critical for a feline to have iron health.
Tips for a Cat to Eat Healthy

Cats are carnivorous animals. Its food, when in the wild, is obtained basically from hunting rodents and small birds. That is, raw meat, but currently there are some guidelines to follow for a cat to eat healthily.

Domestic cats typically do not eat raw meat at home, which is why it is important to  satisfy their nutritional needs  to keep their bodies healthy and balanced. It’s critical that the cat gets all the protein and animal fat it needs.

Why do cats need so much animal protein?

Among the benefits of animal protein are:

  • Helps to form the structure of tendons, bones, ligaments, skin and nails
  • Develops functions in metabolism and immune system
  • Allows you to maintain the ideal muscle mass

It is very important for the cat’s health that  the protein is provided in adequate quantity and quality. If the protein is bad or its consumption is deficient, the cat loses muscle mass.

Six practical tips for a cat to eat healthily

  1. Meat based diet

Meat is the mainstay of any cat’s diet. An adult cat needs at least 25% protein in its daily diet, a percentage that increases to 30% in kittens and pregnant cats. Their natural diet is also based on a high intake of animal fat, their main source of energy.

cat wants food

It is suggested to invest in high quality foods, as they contain   balanced nutrients with a lot of protein, animal fat and few carbohydrates.

To ensure these proportions, it is  advisable to check the labels on nutrition tables when buying in stores and supermarkets. This decision will have an impact on the long-term health and well-being of the feline.

  1. Feed it dry and wet food

It is recommended that cats consume a higher proportion of feed. As it is a dry food, it allows the cat to chew and thus remove tartar from the teeth. This type of food comes in specific formats regarding the cat’s age and activity level. And the best part is, you don’t have to cook.

cat eating

In addition to dry food, it is advisable to  include in your diet cans of wet food, a food that is much more attractive to the cat because of its smell. This type of product is recommended because it includes 70% water, which facilitates optimal hydration. This is very positive, as cats generally drink less water than they need.

  1. always offer water

An adequate level of vital fluid helps the kidneys to function well. It also allows for correct regulation of your body temperature. To maintain both functions well, it is recommended that they always have a source full of clean, fresh water.

The lack of water in felines can cause serious health problems, such as kidney damage and the formation of  crystals in the urine. Also, the animal can become dehydrated.

  1. Do not feed him with human food scraps

As we’ve seen, cats have very different nutritional needs than humans. Providing inappropriate foods can cause bowel obstruction, vomiting or diarrhea. In addition, it can cause  obesity, a very common problem among domestic cats.

  1. Small portions of food for a cat to eat healthily

In general, cats don’t eat all the food they have at their disposal. So if your cat isn’t obese or doesn’t tend to eat all of her  food at once, you can leave the food on her plate for when she’s hungry.

Another option is to  feed him at specific times to control his weight. A cat’s proper weight is evident in its ribs: they should be covered with a layer of fat and, at the same time, they should be easy to feel to the touch.

  1. Control the formation of hairballs in the stomach

The cat has a habit of cleaning itself by licking its entire body. This is one of the reasons why it  is common to swallow the hairs that remain on your tongue. In this way, the hairballs that are formed in the stomach are eliminated through vomit or feces.

However,  balls that are too large can cause a blockage in the intestinal tract. The cat’s owner can make it easier to remove these balls by feeding him fiber-rich feed, brushing him every day and taking him to a professional groomer to cut the fur.

We hope you enjoyed our tips for a cat to eat healthily.

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