How To Prevent Dog Theft

How to prevent dog theft

It’s terrible, but dog theft is an illicit activity that is on the rise. Although the authorities are in charge of carrying out investigations to stop the phenomenon, there are some measures that can be taken to protect your best friend.

Why would someone steal my dog?

The main reason evildoers lay eyes on our four-legged friends is to sell them or to use them as breeding stock.

Therefore, dog owners of “fashionable” breeds (Bull Terriers, Chihuahua, Bulldogs, etc.) are much more at risk of some unscrupulous interest in their pet. This is due to the high demand for certain breeds in the market, in addition to the high prices that can be achieved for them.

Another type of dogs that are stolen are those belonging to powerful breeds (Pitbulls, Rottweilers, Bull Mastins, etc.), as they are usually kidnapped to be used as fighting dogs and, currently, there is still a lot to be gained from this terrible activity. .

aggressive dog

Hunting dogs (eg greyhounds) are stolen less often, but there are cases where they are stolen for use in dog racing.

Another reason why dog ​​theft is done is to get the reward when the owners, desperate to find them, start offering money to those who find their dogs. Or even more directly, people kidnap them and charge their owners money to release them without harm.

To avoid this type of situation, the best measure is prevention, so we will give you some recommendations.

How can I reduce the risk of having my dog ​​stolen?

Although there is a risk that is latent, there are very simple things that can be done to lessen this situation. Some will seem very obvious, but if we include them in the list, it’s because there are many situations where these cases are presented and that end with the theft of a dog:

  • For no reason leave your dog outside a commercial establishment, for example, while shopping or asking for information. The majority of cases in which pet theft occurred occurred in this type of situation.
  • Do not leave your dog in the car, this in addition to putting your dog’s life at risk, also, in some countries, may lead to the owner being convicted of cruelty to animals. This is a negligence you must never commit.

dog and owner

  • Stay alert, don’t lose sight of your pet, just as you would a small child, so you can prevent it from getting lost or having an accident. Part of being a responsible pet owner is staying aware of your dog’s activities outside the home.
  • Do not leave it in the home garden unattended, at least not if the dog is visible or can be easily accessed through a fence or gate.
  • Always use the strap when outing. For many owners, the idea of ​​keeping the dog on the leash at all times is terrible, but unless you are in a park or in a trusted place, it is best to keep it by your side and under your complete control.
  • If your dog is going to be alone at home or if he spends the night in the backyard, it is better to leave him in environments out of reach of strangers.
  • Puppies are more likely to be robbed, so stay alert when a stranger approaches or pets you, hold them tight on the leash and don’t let them manipulate you.
  • Be sure to leave your dog in good hands when hiring services from third parties, whether veterinarians, walkers or canine day care. You can’t imagine the amount of times dogs are lost in the hands of others.
  • Don’t trust a stranger to offer to look after your dog, even for a brief moment. It’s better to be bad with the unknown, but keep your dog’s integrity.
  • It’s better that children don’t walk the dogs alone.
  • Don’t let your dog go out on the street alone.
  • Put some kind of identification on your dog, preferably a microchip.
  • Avoid dark, isolated or dangerous areas.

And if your dog is stolen, remember to notify the police immediately and file a report. The more time passes, the less likely you are to get it back.

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