Please, Kitten, Let Me Sleep….

Please, kitten, let me sleep....

You are sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden you feel little paws “crumpling” your stomach like bread dough. Look at the clock and… midnight. Surely all those people who have a cat at home must have been through this situation. And they are always saying: “Kitten, let me sleep…”.

It is common for cats not to let us sleep and this can sometimes affect our daily lives. Many people find it easy to fall asleep again, but there are others who, when they wake up, can no longer “catch” sleep.

To know how to solve this problem, we must first know the reasons why our cat insists on waking up during the night and taking a “tour” around the house until we are awake.

“Let me sleep…” Why do I have to tell my cat this?

cat sleeping on the owner's lap

It has been proven that cats sleep a lot. If it were up to them, they would spend their entire lives sleeping. Generally, a normal feline can spend between 14 and 16 hours a day sleeping.

In addition, they have the particularity of not sleeping  in one place : they choose different spaces throughout the day. A place where they feel good, where they are cool, warm or protected.

Perhaps you’re wondering, “If you sleep so much, why don’t you sleep while I’m sleeping”?

Cats, which are part of the tiger family, still have many traits in the personality and way of life of these wild cats. Tigers spend a sleepless night to hunt prey and find them unprepared.

Although the domestic cat differs greatly from its wild ancestors, there are behaviors that have not been lost. For this reason, most domestic cats wake up at least twice a night.

Obviously, there are other factors that can influence these twice a night to multiply. But, in general, he gets bored and goes looking for you.

“Let me sleep….”. What to do if my cat wakes me up at night?

There are several reasons why a cat wakes up at night to seek its owner’s company. We tell you what you can do to avoid this.

Discard the possibility that you are sick

A cat could wake up at night because of pain or illness. In the case of pain, it would be easier to know, because your animal would make sounds, but a disease can be something internal and this would make it difficult to identify it at first.

Go to the veterinarian to have your pet evaluated. Be aware that if your cat is older, this can be a factor that impairs his sleep and, consequently, yours too, because he will look for you while he is sleeping.

play with him

No, we’re not saying do this with your cat at night, but during the day. Cats who feel bored accumulate more stress and make it harder to sleep. Boredom makes him sleep a lot during the day and stay awake at night.

Therefore, one of the best ways to beat your feline’s boredom is to play with it during the day, in the garden or even on the street, so that it can breathe new air. A tired cat will sleep well at night.

don’t use the food to make him sleep

person petting the cat

Many choose this option of feeding the cat so that it stops meowing at night or simply when it looks for you in bed. This is not a good idea.

Eating at different times will only make your pet demand more from you. And besides, it will make him feel heavy, and he’ll have one more problem: digestion.

Make your home more fun

We understand that you need to work and maybe other family members do too, but this can be a problem if your cat doesn’t have what (or whom) to play with while you’re alone.

Have toys he likes all over the house. They don’t usually look for them, but if they see them, they won’t stop playing with them.

These are some tips that will prevent you from having to talk to your cat again: “let me sleep…”.

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