Find Out With The Bark Translator What Your Dog Is Saying

Find out, with the bark translator, what your dog is saying

Among all the peculiarities of dogs, barking represents one of the most representative, not only because of the sound, but also because when they bark, they want to say something.

On many occasions, this has already been a problem for us, as we are not always able to correctly interpret what they want to communicate to us. So, knowing what our four-legged friend is telling us has become the great wish of a number of scientists, and it has come true.

A collar to translate barks

dog-collared antilate

How did you manage to do this? It turns out that a prestigious company of Scandinavian entrepreneurs called the  Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery created a collar they called No More Woof,  which has an electroencephalography sector and an interface that connects the brain to the computer, as well as being able to detect and analyze neuronal patterns. of the dog’s thoughts.

Once that happens,  the device allows whatever your four-legged friend thinks to be logged into a single-card computer, Raspberry Pi, to then process all the information and translate it into the language you prefer through a speaker or from an app on your mobile device.

The emotions that can be interpreted

It is important to note that even if we do not know exactly what our adorable dogs think,  the Scandinavian company revealed that it has already managed to establish all the patterns of some emotions  that dogs can feel, among them:

  • Tiredness;
  • Happiness;
  • Sadness;
  • Curiosity for a person or another animal;
  • Hungry.

Far from limiting themselves to these types of emotions, breeders have already ensured that  this impressive device can effectively determine other emotions that our dogs feel or think when they communicate through barking.

In addition, they revealed that this is a work that will gradually evolve, and that  new features will soon be launched in the dogs’ translator, such  as different predetermined voices that adapt to the characteristics of the little four-legged friend, and a greater choice of languages ​​for be able to choose.

Why do dogs bark?

howling dog

Even though barking is one of the main characteristics of these adorable animals, it is important to know why they are produced.

And dogs do not always bark because they feel threatened, or as a gesture of intimidation to protect their owners,  in fact, they can often act this way because they are suffering from health problems.

Stress, for example, is one of the biggest causes of barking in dogs,  because in situations where the dog is tense or uncomfortable, he will feel very stressed and will try to alleviate this uncomfortable sensation through such action.

In many cases,  stress in dogs can be caused by loneliness, as when you are not with them or leave them alone for a long time, sadness or boredom can be generated, and the pet will bark to try to calm them down.

On the other hand, frustration is also a factor that triggers this action in man’s best friend, since this is usually the natural response to situations in which what they want cannot materialize, such as for their owners to play with them or simply want to go out for a  walk.

Even so, there are other factors that can make our dogs bark, these are some of them:

  • Imperceptible external stimuli, such as other animals or a strange person;
  • A lot of enthusiasm in a given situation;
  • Health problems;
  • Unconscious training.

It is important to highlight that even if there are all these factors, they are often difficult to be anticipated or interpreted, therefore,  No More Woof will be a product that will make things easier in the relationship between the dog and the owner. 

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