A Study Reveals The Personality Difference Between Cat And Dog Lovers

A study reveals the personality difference between cat and dog lovers

Have you ever wondered the difference between the personality of people who have a cat and people who have a dog? Independent or lonely? Are the personality differences between owners as intense as that of their pets? According to some surveys, dog owners are 74% more extroverted than cat owners.

In the same study, other numbers show data on what people’s preferences are when choosing a pet.

Love or hate? According to studies, cats seem to be much harder to love : 15% of adults surveyed said they didn’t like cats, while the number of people who said they didn’t like dogs was only 2%.

Dogs or cats?

Cães ou gatos? Personalidades distintas

There is good reason to suspect that some people’s preference for dogs over cats reflects some underlying personality differences.

It is a fact that the relationship between cats and humans has always been very different from the relationship between dogs and people.

This undoubtedly reflects the behaviors that both species have maintained before being domesticated.

In the wild, cats tend to be solitary hunters and are often much more active at night.

In contrast, wild dogs are generally very sociable animals that work in groups and are active between sunrise and sunset.

Domestic dogs retain this need for social interaction and when they don’t have a leader and family, they feel lost.

Cats, on the other hand, often become invisible during the day, appearing only at night.

Occasionally they engage in social activities and play with people, their interest is limited. In this sense, cats usually get tired of playing and leave after a few minutes.

Dogs, on the other hand, often engage in play and can continue for several hours. In fact, in this case, whoever leaves the game tends to be the owner.

According to some surveys, there are significant differences in the personality traits of people who own dogs and people who prefer to own a cat.

Studies claim that dog lovers are 15% more outgoing and 13% more likeable, both of which personality traits are associated with the social orientation that dogs often have.

Also, dog owners are 11% more responsible than people who own cats.

They tend to show self-discipline in completing tasks and like to plan things out before opting for more spontaneous behavior.

And if you prefer cats…

Personalidade de quem prefere gatos

People who prefer cats tend to be about 12% more neurotic. However, they are 11% more open than people who have a dog.

Cat owners’ openness to the outside world implies a general appreciation for art, emotion, adventure, imagination and curiosity.

Cat owners are more likely to have unconventional beliefs,  while dog lovers tend to have more conventional and traditional interests.

Cat lovers are more likely to live alone, they are also more likely to live in apartments or one-story houses. For dog owners, living in a house and having children are more likely factors.

Cat owners tend to be relatively introverted and have a lower degree of kindness.

Also, they are not possessive people. However, people described as possessive are strong, persistent and confident. Cat lovers tend to be more shy and less aggressive.

In terms of confidence, cat owners are very confident. They also presented themselves as very kind, modest and simple people.

Some of them, those who don’t feel so confident, on the other hand, tend to be more suspicious and manipulative.

In conclusion, the researchers claim that  dog owners are more sociable, unlike cat owners, who are more introverted and independent.

And you, what kind of pet do you prefer?

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