Dog Throws Himself Against A Bus To Protect His Owner

Dog throws himself against a bus to protect his owner

We’ve heard more than once that dogs are and extremely loyal and who can protect 100%  your owners . A few weeks ago, a new news that portrays the bravery of the dogs surprised the world. According to various media, a dog guide launched against one bus to avoid that its owner was run over . Next , share we are this the story.

a protective dog

golden retriever 2

In the municipality in Putnam, in New York, a dog who helped his blind owner to cross the street managed to save her from being run over by a car . Figo is the great protagonist of the story . According to reports, when he  realized the danger , he protected your owner and launched towards the bus to divert the vehicle and thus prevent them from being run over.

the end school bus driver didn’t stop in the range of pedestrians and by this was in the direction of fig and your owner . However, the dog protects me your owner avoiding a fatal outcome . The boldness didn’t end with a perfect ending just because  Fig got your goal and the bus doesn’t ran them over , but because of the sudden maneuver that the driver did   the dog and its owner received a beating . Therefore, both had to go through a period of recovery. .

According to you Details d news published in various media, and although Figo stays seriously injured, the dog refused to leave his owner and remained by your side until the arrival of doctors .

the veterinarian of fig,  LouAnn Pfeifer, said to the channel CBS that the  animal behavior had been indescribable . “I can’t explain it. if he acted  consciously or unconsciously, it was absolutely amazing.”

THE  veterinarian explained that she is trying to establish a chat via video between Figo and your owner since “to see and listening to the owner’s voice will help you in  recovery” .

other story s by val entia and courage

german shepherd 2

Like already mention mos , the story of Figo does not is the only one . If we analyze, there are hundreds of dogs around the world that save  people of moments really terrible. Then, we commented some of the reports more important .

Brutis :  One breed dog golden retriever who became a hero in 2004. Why? This adorable dog caught a coral snake that crawled dangerously close to a child in Hudson New Hampshire (United States).

Zoey: Everyone knows that the dogs minors show  with  attitude O they lack in size and Zoey is The proof live from this disposition . this Chihuahua , from Colorado city , In the USA, it was news in 2007 for rescuing a child from the mortal bite of a snake rattlesnake.

Shana : This bitch, mix of German Shepherd , saved an elderly couple in one you snow storm. when Shana found Norman and Eve trapped through the snow she began to dig a tunnel so they could escape.

moti : This German Shepherd saved his human family from an assault. When the intr masked use entered the family home Patel, Moti wasted no time and started barking at get the attention of O Butler. After the shot, the unknown ran away. Fortunately, Moti if recovered from his wounds.

Napoleon : if think that the cats and the dogs are enemies, this is not always so . Napoleon is an English Bulldog who challenged swimming skills what have your race to swim to the bottom of a deep lake and rescue a bag of cloth that with he had 6 abandoned kittens.

Hero : an ancient breed dog Golden Retriever helped the owner, paralytic , a move your wheelchair that there was got stuck on a muddy ground . When Gareth Jones found himself unable to move, his guide dog was willing to respond obediently pulling the rope what jones launched towards you . In this way, he could leave the land .

Ginny : On one occasion not particularly remarkable, Ginny threw himself against a vertical pipe at a construction site so that some could escape cats what were trapped inside the tube .

Trakr : Next to a policeman, Trakr helps I dig through the unstable rubble of World Trade Center and so, it was able to locate some of the survivors of the 9/11 attack.

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