Why Does My Cat Make A Noise With Its Mouth When It Sees A Bird?

Why does my cat make a noise with its mouth when it sees a bird?

That animals have many similarities to us humans, no one doubts. But it is also true that they exhibit many behaviors that have nothing to do with ours and that we cannot understand. Have you ever wondered why your cat makes a noise with its mouth when it sees a bird? We give you the answer.

Scientists saw in this fact an opportunity for investigation. So, in this article, we explain the conclusions of this research to you. Why does your cat make a noise with its mouth, as if it is “snapping” when it sees a bird?

The reasons why a cat makes a noise with its mouth when it sees a bird

cat playing with feather toy

when they see prey

When a cat sees possible prey, its teeth make noises when the animal moves its jaws, regardless of whether it’s a bird, a mouse, or an insect. This happens to any animal that attracts attention.

One way to tell if sound is related to this fact is to look at body language. When a cat sees something attractive, it will wag its tail from side to side and keep its gaze steady on the next focus of attack.

Watch your cat closely, because if you have a bird as a pet at home, you may have a problem.

when hunting

This sound is emitted when they are ready to hunt. This, according to the researchers, is produced in the face of a feeling of frustration at not being able to reach the prey that is nearby.

Sometimes, cats are so moved by having found new prey that the very desire to attack prevents them from moving forward. So this noise with the teeth helps them to relieve the tension of not being able to reach the goal.

hunting training

Theories regarding this sound are different. Sometimes it is produced by something instinctive, as if they wanted to imagine the bite on the prey’s neck, where cats usually attack.

It seems that this way they warm up their jaw and prepare their teeth to strike.

It is of paramount importance for a cat to kill its prey at the exact moment of the attack. Therefore, repeating this gesture can be a way to train and not miss the goal. This is because a live prey will try to escape and could injure the feline.

Therefore, in addition to a form of training, it serves as a guarantee and defense when hunting something.


cat showing teeth

A new theory about this gesture is that cats try to imitate the sound of prey as a way of attracting them more easily.

A team of researchers reached this conclusion thanks to experiments they made with Amazon monkeys and wild cats.

Monkeys made a very peculiar noise. It was an odd way of communicating between them. When the cats saw the monkeys approaching, they made a sound almost identical to theirs.

These scientists concluded the study with these words: “Cats are known for their physical agility, but this ability to manipulate the production of sounds shows that their psychological intuition is also impressive”.

Without a doubt,  we cannot deny that cats are amazing. Although they are mysterious beings, we are getting to know this species more and more.

Knowing the reasons behind cats’ attitudes or body language helps us to better understand these animals. This helps to strengthen our affective bond with them. It is worth remembering that all the effort made in reading and studying about your cat, and even observing it, will have a reward.

A mysterious animal and perhaps difficult to live with, but without a doubt things will be easier according to your effort to get to know this animal more deeply. Never underestimate readings to get to know your cat better, in addition to careful observation. It can help you understand your pet’s needs and improve coexistence.

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