Why Do Dogs Bury Food?

As much as we are talking about a completely domesticated species, dogs sometimes display behaviors inherited from their ancestors. Burying food is one of them.
Why do dogs bury food?

Ever wonder why dogs bury food? From an anthropic point of view, this doesn’t make much sense, as domestic dogs always have food on hand, something they certainly “should know”.

The main reason for this type of behavior  are trace traits inherited from ancestors. It’s not just dogs that present them, one example clearly known to all is the presence of wisdom teeth in a high percentage of the human population on Earth.

About canine domestication and its ancestors

To understand this type of behavior, it is necessary to look at the phylogenetic tree and go back to the evolutionary history of the domestic dog ( Canis lupus familiaris ).

Some genetic studies have tried to elucidate the past of the dogs that accompany us today. To our surprise, today’s wolves and domestic dogs are two groups that are mutually monophyletic,  that is, clearly separated.

This means that the domestic dog is not genetically close to any current wolf population and therefore its ancestor (probably some kind of prehistoric wolf) is already extinct.

Why is it necessary to delimit this type of evolutionary relationship? To make it clear that, in many cases, to discover domestic dog behaviors we don’t need to go to the wolf. In any case, it would be necessary to study the characteristics of his ancestor, who has now disappeared.

About canine domestication and its ancestors

Why do dogs bury food?

The American Kennel Club membership gives us the answer. Resource accumulation is a vestigial behavior, which corresponds to a habitat where food is scarce.

This term is known in English as surplus killing and is expressed by many mammals, including polar bears, lynx, foxes, orcas, coyotes, raccoons and, of course, the domestic dog.

Food hoarding behavior has also been observed in packs of wild wolves as they bury their prey under snow, where the meat is preserved for days or weeks. It is an easy-to-understand evolutionary mechanism, as it meets a food need.

It is very interesting to know that this habit of burying excess food also manifests itself  according to the breed of the dog. For example, dogs genetically selected for hunting seem to be more likely to reproduce this behavior than dogs trained for the sport.

It is theorized that this group of hunters shows more of their “predatory instinct” in their daily lives, so it makes sense that vestigial behaviors such as the surplus killing already mentioned are more apparent.

For that reason, DachshundsBeaglesBasset Hounds  and  Miniature Schnauzers  are more likely to dig holes when given a reward.

What to do when dogs bury food?

Of course, repressing a dog for vestigial behavior that is recorded in its genetic code doesn’t make much sense. The key to avoiding this type of behavior is to channel the activity in another way.

For example, you can reserve a space with blankets or pillows where the dog can bury his toys and valuables. Another solution would be to give the dog his own litter box, where he can make holes without ruining the backyard.

Boredom can also be an important factor that conditions this behavior. If the tutor provides enough stimulation to the dog, the animal may not have to use its most instinctual part to channel energy. That’s why games are always good solutions to behavioral problems.

Finally, it is also recommended not to give bones and treats to dogs with a full stomach. Thus, the dog will not interpret these items as “excess food” and will reduce the desire to store them underground.

What to do about this behavior?

An inherited but positive behavior

As we have seen, the action of burying food is completely normal for dogs and corresponds to a vestigial evolutionary trait. However, as long as it doesn’t become an obsession, repressing the dog for showing his baser instincts can be counterproductive.

It is necessary to remember that dogs need environmental enrichment and games that enhance their instincts, such as activities that promote their sense of smell. Allowing the dog to eventually get in touch with his more ancestral self is necessary for him to be happy.

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