Cattle Dog Breeds: Meet Some

Cattle Dog Breeds: Know Some

Traditionally used to handle and drive cattle, cattle breeds  are included in two groups of the International Cynological Federation. This classification will depend on whether they are mountain or Swiss types. Find out what the characteristics of these dogs are in the article below.

What are the breeds of cattle dogs?

In total, there are  10 breeds of cattle dogs included in FCI groups I and II. Among them, we can highlight:

Cattle dog puppies

1. Australian Shepherd

It is a relatively “new” breed, as it emerged in the early 19th century . The main task of these dogs is to lead the cattle across extensive plains. It is very important that they withstand heat and distances, as well as that they don’t bark too much and don’t try to bite the cattle.

The Australian Shepherd is similar to the Dingo, but has a spotted, two-layered coat. Its colors are bluish black, grainy or mottled, or red with marks and freckles. In addition, this breed has large, pointy ears and a slightly curved tail. A tireless worker, he can also be used to detect bombs or drugs and to rescue people.

2. Cattleman of Flanders

Its origin is shared by France, Belgium and the Netherlands. It is used as a shepherd and guardian. Its size is large and its body is covered by a thick coat that is almost always dark in color (black or brown). Despite this, some may be born with light brown fur. His head is huge and is accented by a bushy mustache and beard.

Regarding his temperament, the Boiadeiro de Flanders is neither shy nor aggressive. Perhaps a little suspicious, after all, he is used as a protector of the herd and his family. Learns very fast and can get bored easily. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly stimulate it. It is vulnerable to hip dysplasia and gastric torsion.

3. Entlebuch cattle breeder

It is one of the smallest herding dogs and its origin is Swiss, more precisely from the Canton of Lucerne .  The first specimens of the breed are dated 1889. It has black fur, brown legs, a white chest and a tricolor face with a medium-sized muzzle. Some are born without a tail.

4. Cattle from Bern

Another one of the mountain herder dogs. It appeared in the Swiss capital and is a large molosso (can measure up to 70 cm at the withers and weigh up to 50 kg). A property keeper and a great shepherd, this dog’s great intelligence also qualifies him for rescue tasks.

He has a quiet personality and can be easily trained.  It is an excellent pet, very trustworthy and affectionate with children. He needs to live in a place with a lot of space due to his size, and do a lot of exercise. The coat of the Boiadeiro de Berna is black with white and brown on the chest, face and feet.

5. Great Swiss cattle driver

It is similar to the previous one, except that in this case it has short fur. He was born in the area of ​​the Swiss Alps and  is part of the sennenhund group (the group of Swiss peasant dogs). Its coat is tricolor and males can weigh up to 63 kg and measure up to 75 cm. The temperament of the great Swiss herdsman is characterized by his patience, his love of family life and work. It is a very active dog and needs to be socialized from the start.

Raça de cachorro boiadeiro
Source: Andreagenial

6. Cattle of the Ardennes

It is not a very common breed outside the region where it was born (border between France and Germany) . Its size is medium and its coat can be any color, but the fur on its face is black. His ears are erect and short, as if in an attention position, giving him a shrewd countenance.

It is a very guardian animal, ideal for agricultural work, especially for driving cattle. Can also be used to pull small cars. The Ardennes Cattle nearly disappeared in World War I (as did other similar breeds) and is slowly regaining its regularity on local farms.

Other cattle breeds are: Fila de São Miguel (Portugal), Appenzell cattle breeder (Switzerland), Pyrenees Mastiff (Spain) and São Bernardo (Switzerland).

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