The Dog Can Also Be A Victim Of Violence Against Women

The dog can also be a victim of violence against women

Although, fortunately, violence against women is increasingly denounced and many cases are being revealed, there is a facet of this crime that still remains in the shadows. This is the aggression suffered by companion animals that live under the same roof as the aggressor.

Pets, other victims of violence against women

woman kissing a dog

Author: Sal

Pets that live in a violent home are often used as a tool of threat or coercion. Thus, the dog or cat becomes an object of revenge or control over the partner. Also about the children or other people in the family group.

This is one of the reasons why  a woman delays leaving the house. He fears, and a lot, for the reprisals that the furry one may suffer.

And it must also be considered that pets are often a great emotional support for these people. That’s why they don’t want to separate.

Many women victims of violence even refuse to enter shelters because they do not allow the entry of animals.

Relationship between domestic violence and animal abuse

In the mid-1990s, in the United States, studies on the subject began to be carried out. It became evident, then, a phenomenon that had not been taken into account so far. It was proven that  the mistreatment of animals was also a way of exerting violence on the partner and other family members.

Some of the conclusions were:

  • 71% of women who went to a shelter and owned a pet said that the aggressor had injured, threatened or killed the animal out of revenge or to exercise psychological control.
  • 87% of these facts took place in front of them. And 75% in front of the children.
  • Between 25% and 54% of women who suffer abuse have not left their homes because of the concern that caused them the fate of their dog or cat.

More data on family violence and mistreated animals

A survey revealed, in turn, that  in Latin America and Spain, 79.3% of animal shelters recognize a relationship between family violence and mistreatment of pets.

In addition, 37.9% of these establishments stated that between 25 and 50% of the dogs and cats they receive were abused in the homes where they lived. These facts were reported in 67.1% of cases.

Also, 61.3% of shelters allow women victims of domestic violence to visit their pets housed there.

Attempting to include pets in protective measures

The good news is that the many professionals who care for women who experience gender-based violence are increasingly viewing animal abuse as a warning sign.

Therefore,  it is essential that institutions dealing with these cases include pets in the protection measures. And that the women be helped to have custody of the animal.

It is also essential that shelters can receive the furry ones. Or alternatives are sought in the case of women who do not want to leave their pets at the mercy of the aggressor.

An alternative for animals victims of domestic violence


In Spain and Latin America, VioPet works. This is a program that helps, temporarily or permanently, domestic animals who are victims of family violence find a place where they can be safe.

For this, VioPet tries to unite the shelters and the facilities of a protective association. The objective is to avoid as much as possible that the furry person suffers the stress of separation.  The program also prevents both pets and people from being easily located by the aggressor.

This initiative arose from the GEVHA (Group for the Study of Violence against Humans and Animals), which is part of the “SAF-T Program”, created by Allie Phillips, Supervisor and Director of the “Animal And Child Abuse Area” of the National Disctrict Attorney’s Association” in the United States.

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