The Ten Characteristics Of The Schnauzer Breed

The ten characteristics of the Schnauzer breed

The size of dogs of the schnauzer breed can be of three types : the miniature, which weighs between 6 and 7 kilos, the so-called standard, whose weight is around 14-15 kilos, and the giant, which weighs more than 30 kg.

In the early days, this breed emerged as a farm dog. It also had its functions as a military dog ​​in the world wars, and now, on many occasions, it carries out the activity of a police dog. It is an ideal animal for all kinds of functions, among other things thanks to its robust body and its coat resistant to cold and adversity.

Breed Characteristics


  • Its body is quite square and very robust;
  • His eyes are dark and oval;
  • Their ears are shaped like a “V”;
  • It is a very friendly animal, easy to share the home with children, elderly and other animals that are in the house;
  • Because they have a very muscular body, they need a few walks a day, as well as good mental training, in order to spend the energy that is left, which in your case is a lot.

Etymology of the Schnauzer’s name and characteristics

The translation of his name, which is a German term, is “bearded-snouted dog”. This breed has higher-than-average intelligence ratings.

Welcoming a schnauzer dog into our home is a real challenge, as they are very intelligent. The daily consequences of educating and interacting with our friend’s intelligence can be delightful.

Protecting and guarding enclosures, their owner’s residence, yards, farms, etc., these dogs are a very valuable tool. Their nature is protective and they bark insistently when they sense danger approaching. In order not to disturb the neighbors, it will be necessary to progressively mold this capacity.

The territorial and protective nature of what they consider their own makes it more than convenient to coexist with other dogs from puppies, so that they get used to sharing the spaces that surround them.

As for the necessary care, it is necessary to make a reference to your fur, which should be brushed and cleaned very often, to avoid the formation of knots. They have two layers of fur, an outer layer, which serves as protection, and an inner layer, which is much softer.

One of the aspects that must be controlled in the schnauzer is the stomach. They are likely to eat more than they should, and you need to control them and administer a balanced diet to avoid being overweight. The ideal is to administer a natural diet, but this way it is more difficult to control the quality of food.

There is a belief that these animals do not tolerate the cow’s milk we drink well, and it is true. If they need to get more calcium, it’s better to give them fresh cheese instead of dairy. If you have a puppy of this breed and he needs to drink milk, it is best to use some powdered product especially for dogs.

If you live with smaller dogs and other animals, it is important to be especially careful, as they have a well-developed extinct hunter. Therefore, they must live together from an early age with other species of animals to get used to it.

dog with character

great schnauzer

Their small size is often confusing and they seem to have little character and personality. However, this is not true. Schnauzer are dogs known for their strong and firm barks, including the howls that characterize them. With them, they show their intelligence and decisive and energetic character.

Although its name has other etymological origins, a miniature schnauzer is considered to belong to the terrier group, that is, to the group of dogs that were bred to work in the field, as well as for hunting small rodents, such as mice and rats.

The schnauzer is an elegant, agile and robust animal, known for its great intelligence and great loyalty. On many occasions, they are also called standard schnauzer, although this is not the official name of the breed.

Image credits: Dave Fayram.

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