How Many Types Of Retrievers Are There?

How many types of Retrievers are there?

Besides the Golden and the Labrador, did you know that there are other types of Retrievers in the canine world ? In this article we’ll tell you more about them all. Don’t miss it!

What do you mean Retriever?

Retriever dogs were originally used to search for prey after the hunter had shot them. Basically, when hunting an animal, the dog was in charge of collecting the game and taking it to the owner. Usually, the pieces they collected were birds that lived near the water, for this reason, these furry ones are so fond of swimming pools, fountains and anything that has water.

In English, the word “Retriever” means “recover” or “bring back”. In Portuguese, the most used translation is “collector” or “recuperador”. However, in many countries, the dog’s name is used in its original English form.

Currently,  both the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever are considered companion dogs,  as they are one of the most affectionate pets that exist. In addition, they may have other tasks, working as rescue dogs, therapists for dying patients, caregivers for mentally challenged children (eg, autistic) and narcotics and explosives trackers at airports.

What types of Retrievers are there?

Altogether, there  are six types of Retrievers, although the most “famous” are two. We’ll tell you more about all of them below:

golden retriever puppy

  1. labrador retriever

It is one of the most popular dog breeds out there. It is of Canadian origin, more precisely from the Newfoundland region. The Labrador is not only beautiful, he is also very intelligent, noble and affectionate. They love to be around people and get along very well with children. They are kind, docile and love games, being necessary that this breed perform physical activity to avoid being overweight. The Labrador Retriever has a double coat of fur and can be of three colors: yellow, chocolate and black. Tends to suffer from separation anxiety.

  1. Golden retriever

The other “famous” among Retriever types. This dog is originally from Scotland. It has really fascinating hunting skills. In addition, it can be used as an assistance dog, therapy, firefighter, rescue and, of course, as a companion dog. Gets along wonderfully with children! She’s a wonderful babysitter.

With a body longer than tall, golden coat and long (hence its name), ears to the height of the eyes and a wide muzzle,  the Golden Retriever is a very active dog, but with a stable and gentle temperament. Easy to train, patient, intelligent and an “eternal puppy”, he won’t think for a moment to jump into a lake, river, pool or tub of water.

  1. Flat Coated Retriever

Flat Covered Retriever

It’s one of the types of Retrievers that maybe isn’t that well known. It is a very docile dog, calm and that loves to spend time with his family, especially if there are children. It is essential that he get plenty of exercise, to avoid being overweight and certain behavior problems (if he gets bored, he can bite objects, for example). It is a protective and loyal dog.

  1. Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

A very long name for a dog, but the truth is that its name serves to describe it perfectly. Originally from the Nova Scotia region, it was used to retrieve ducks in lakes and rivers in his country. It is an easy to train dog, with a great instinct for hunting, enthusiastic, cheerful and predisposed to learn.

Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Source: Christopher Woo

It is recommended to have a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever if you live in a rural area, as, in an apartment or in the city, it may become depressed because it cannot release all its energy. It is a very active dog that loves water. Of medium size and long hair, it is an ideal friend for outdoor games and activities.

  1. Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Smart, protective and suspicious of strangers, he  is the most “special” Retriever in terms of his temperament. If he is not trained from an early age and does not get enough exercise , he  may develop destructive behaviors. It is also important to socialize from the first weeks of life. With a chocolate color and short fur, it is a strong animal and always ready to act.

  1. Curly Coated Retriever

Curly Coated Retriever

It has curly fur and is the shyest of Retrievers. Loves being with their owners and loves lakes or swimming pools. He needs a lot of exercise, he is cheerful and intelligent. His robe is black in color and he has curly ears as well as the rest of his body.

Source of images: Scott Beckner and Christopher Woo.

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