6 Reasons Why A Dog Doesn’t Get Fat

Dogs may not gain weight for different reasons. You must always take into account that this can occur due to factors such as food, hydration, excessive exercise, diseases or even the breed of the animal.
6 reasons why a dog doesn't get fat

Dogs are characterized by having a lot of energy, although obviously it all depends on the animal’s breed, the amount of physical exercise they do and other factors. However, there are times when a dog does not gain weight and the reasons for this are not known.

Reasons why a dog does not get fat

The reasons why a dog doesn’t get fat are varied. So let’s briefly explain some of the possible causes below.

Physical exercise

The type of diet of a dog that does a lot of physical exercise is different from that of another animal that moves less. For example, a dog that lives in an apartment will not have the same caloric expenditure as a sheepdog. 


One of the reasons a dog does not gain weight may be related to the type of food or diet. He may not be eating the right amount or the type of feed may not provide the necessary nutrients. 

Another option is that even consuming the right amount for his weight and size, he does not absorb the nutrients properly. This could be related to some kind of illness.

water is essential

Don’t forget about hydration. It is necessary that the animal always have fresh water available, as it is essential for life.

Therefore,  the diet must be combined with an adequate intake of water. If, for some reason, the dog does not have the necessary amount of water, the body will not be able to function properly.

One of the possible consequences is poor absorption of nutrients. Therefore, the availability of water at all times is essential.

the breed of dog

Depending on the animal’s breed, its physical constitution may vary. A clear example is the greyhound, a dog that can appear malnourished…

Greyhounds are animals with very thin skin. Within this group of lean animals, there are also the chihuahua or the borzoi, among others.

Reasons why a dog does not get fat: illness

On some occasions,  the fact that a dog does not gain weight may be due to illness. If the animal is found to be eating well, but not gaining weight, it is recommended to take it to the veterinarian.

Among the diseases related to not gaining weight are intestinal diseases, diabetes or pancreatic problems. 

Other times, a lack of appetite may be observed in the animal, along with other symptoms. The animal may lose muscle mass or have gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting or diarrhea.

Furthermore,  other marked signs are the loss of shine in the coat and lack of energy. Each disease has its own generalized signs and symptoms.

Reasons why a dog does not get fat: intestinal parasites

Among the different existing parasites, there are the endoparasites or internal parasites. Of these, those that affect the digestive system are nematodes (round worms) or cestodes (flat worms). 

The digestive system parasites are located in the intestine. There they suck blood and nutrients, which serve as food. In addition, they cause tissue damage and anemia, although the worst is intestinal obstruction and even death.

Endoparasites can be one of the reasons a dog does not gain weight despite being fed correctly. For this reason, it is recommended to deworm the dog within the deadlines stipulated by animal health professionals.

The veterinarian will advise you on the best medication depending on the localized parasite. On the other hand, parasites vary depending on where you live, so it’s better to use one product before another.

This article briefly explained some of the possible causes why a dog does not gain weight. However, there may be other causes that are not listed here. In any case, always seek the opinion of a professional.  

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