Stegosaurus: Everything You Need To Know

One of the best known dinosaurs from the Jurassic period hides many secrets. Including a pointed tail and a possible second brain, Stegosaurus stands out for its peculiarities.
Stegosaurus: everything you need to know

Stegosaurus is one of the best known dinosaurs that lived on planet Earth. With its characteristic thorn-covered back and deadly tail, it is a remarkable member of the large Jurassic dinosaur family.

Your curious body has sparked heated debates in the scientific community: what is the function of the pimples on your back? And the pointy tail? There are several theories on this topic. If you want to know more about this curious dinosaur, keep reading.

The Most Popular Spiny Dinosaur

Stegosaurus is a popular dinosaur, well known to the general public. With its arched body and famous thorny back, the Stegosaurus aroused fascination and doubt in equal measure.

When we talk about Stegosaurus, we are referring to a genus with 4 known species. It is a type of four-legged, herbivorous dinosaur and the largest member of the Stegosauridae family . Its size can reach 9 meters in length and 4 in height. Its weight – in adults – can reach 9 tons: a true Jurassic beast.

A stegosaurus on a white background.

Stegosaurus Discovery

The Stegosaurus lived about 150 million years ago in the late Jurassic period. Its first fossils were discovered in North America, in an expedition in Morrison – Colorado, United States – in 1877.

Paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh discovered the fossils and the famous dorsal spines. These dorsal plates reminded him of the shingles of a house, which is why he called it Stegosaurus, “roofed dinosaur.” Later, other experts found that the plates were arranged vertically, like spines.

Later, new species of this genus were discovered. At first, it was thought that it could only be found in North America, but in 2006 fossils of this dinosaur were found in Europe.

The Stegosaurus Way of Life

Stegosaurus was essentially herbivorous. Its mouth had flat, leaf-shaped teeth, which were used for cutting but not very efficient at crushing plants. This made paleontologists unsure what this dinosaur’s feeding strategy was, so today there are several theories.

The thorns on the back: what were they for?

As for its spiny back, there are many hypotheses about its function. The main one deduces that these animals used such plates to regulate their body temperature. This would happen through the blood vessels that, when passing through the spines, allowed the exchange of heat with the outside.

Other theories seem to indicate that stegosaurus spines could serve as a defense against predatory dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex or Allosaurus. Some experts also point out that these structures can change color to attract attention and frighten other animals.

The fearsome spiny tail of the Stegosaurus

As for the spiny tail, most experts agree that it probably served as a defense. This tail was composed of 2 or more elongated spines, about 75 centimeters long. The flexibility of the tail indicates that the animal could move it on both sides of the body, away from predators, with which it shared the habitat.

Due to its enormous weight and body shape, Stegosaurus was a slow animal. Therefore, his defense strategy included the use of tail and force, as well as speed in flight.

Stegosaurus’ Second Brain: Reality or Fiction?

Stegosaurus was an animal that was very surprising when it was discovered. The pointed tail and spiny back were just the appetizer: its discoverers believed they had found an animal with 2 brains.

This is because paleontologists have discovered a huge neural channel in the hip area. This discovery made them think that stegosaurs had a “second brain” in their tail. The function of this “complementary brain” could be to control reflexes in the back of the body.

Despite the curiosity of this discovery, more recent research refutes it. It is known that this area where there appears to be another brain can be formed by accumulations of glycogen, a polysaccharide that feeds much of the nervous system, present in other types of saurians.

The skeleton of a stegosaurus.

So, as you can see, stegosaurus is an interesting dinosaur. Its thorny back, fearsome defensive tail and curious shape make us increasingly interested in this interesting saurian who lived in the Jurassic era.

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