The Lies That Cartoons Tell About Animals

The Lies That Cartoons Tell About Animals

Over the years, people have learned many different things about animal nutrition, behavior, and body structure that are just myths. Many of these beliefs are created from different media such as comic books, television series, movies, etc.

Next, we’ll talk about some lies about animals that were spread through cartoons.

Ostriches are cowards and hide their heads in the face of danger

In fact, there is nothing cowardly about ostriches. Up to three meters tall and weighing around 180kg, ostriches are the largest and heaviest birds on the face of the earth.

They are a formidable opponent for any predator and capable of developing an arsenal of defenses that includes powerful musculature, great size and weight, speed that can reach 90 kilometers per hour, and enough strength to kill a lion with a single kick.

They dig the earth for food. In fact, ostriches are highly territorial animals, in addition to being good parents who fiercely protect their young and eggs.

Therefore, the most likely is that, in the face of danger, an ostrich will rush out to attack with its powerful kicks.

rats like cheese

Será que os gatos gostam mesmo de queijo?

Possibly, this is the most transmitted lie in cartoons and some movies. That mice love cheese and would do anything for a little piece of this delicious delicacy.

However (and we’ll talk more about other dairy products in this blog), the reality is that mice don’t like cheese at all. In fact, they have such a sensitive sense of smell that some types of cheese are even repulsive to them.

However, this myth is very old, even older than the drawings. It seems to originate from the time when people stored grain, salted meat and cheese in underground warehouses.

The grains and meat were well protected, however, as the cheese needed airy space, it was more vulnerable to hungry rats that, in that situation, would eat anything, even bite humans to consume their meat.

The bulls rage with the color red

Are you afraid of walking across the field in your bright red shirt and suddenly bumping into a bull and having to race off to save your life?

Okay, finding a bull by surprise can be quite intimidating… Some species even weigh a ton. It is right that you at least consider them a threat.

But you won’t run the slightest risk because of the color of your clothes. This will not make the bull lose his mind. And this happens for a very simple reason.

Bulls, like dogs and some breeds of cats, do not have cells in their eyes that allow them to differentiate between colors. If they run after someone, it’s because they were attracted to the movement.

the coyote is slow

For lovers of the adventures of the evil and unlucky coyote and the roadrunner (a bird whose scientific name is geococcyx californianus), it will be a hard blow to realize that coyotes are much faster than the beep beep. 

During the flight, the maximum speed that the roadrunner can reach is 32 km/h. Which can be considered quite slow if we consider that the average speed that the coyotes arrive at is 69 km/h…

So, it wouldn’t make sense for the coyote to get hurt in so many situations in Acme’s cartoons, even though the series has had a very short life, despite being quite fun.

rabbits love carrots

Será que os coelhos amam mesmo cenouras?

Another myth often repeated by Warner Bros. is that rabbits love carrots. This has a real background.

However, it is not that they have a vegetable or vegetable that they prefer. Rabbits like vegetables in general. However, when we talk about their predilections, they choose green leaves over carrots.

Dogs and cats cannot live in harmony

This has something to do with the truth, but it has more to do with a behavior problem than with an exacerbated hatred.

A poorly socialized dog or cat will relate inappropriately to any other animal because it has not learned to curb its hunting instinct.

However, it is absolutely possible, and even common, to have dogs and cats that get along very well and share the same space.

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