7 Crossbreed Dog Breeds You Will Love

7 Crossbreed Dog Breeds You'll Love

Furry lovers always wanted to have purebred dogs, as they were the most appreciated for their beauty and elegance. However, this has changed as more and more they want crossbred dogs. But what if we could have an animal from two breeds of dogs?

That would be great! And it’s already possible. We are going to present the crossbred dogs, with two pedigree parents, but of very different breeds, which gave rise to really funny and beautiful specimens.

Stranger and crossbreed dog breeds you’ll love

sausage dogs

It is possible that these crossbred dog breeds will soon be recognized as such and then may be acquired as a pedigreed breed. Even if that doesn’t happen, we can at least enjoy and appreciate these dogs.

As they are not yet recognized races, let’s invent a name for each of them, merging the names of both races. This will be much more fun! You can try, through the invented name, to find out what two races it is before reading the description. Do you want to try?


This peculiar animal is a cross between a Dalmatian dog and a Corgie.

The Corgie is a peculiar dog, due to its excessively short legs and its large, pointed ears. In addition, its fur is strong and abundant. And the Dalmatian, well, we all know its characteristics.

Now, imagine a dog that doesn’t even reach the middle of its calf, but with Dalmatian patches on its fur and with big pointy ears. This is Dalmagie.


A strange mix between the Husky and the French Poodle.

The Husky is a dog we all know, with long gray fur and blue eyes. The French poodle, for those who don’t know him, is the dog best known as a Poodle. Can you imagine this mixture?

Because it’s really adorable, it’s like a Husky puppy, but with a wider head, despite the amount of fur that gives it a rounded shape.

Corgie Poodle

Can you imagine a Corgie with tender eyes and a completely white color? Or can you imagine a Poodle with big pointy ears?

A lovely animal that will delight all who see it.


Many do not like the muzzle of sausage dogs. What if we could change it to a Chihuahua? A Chihuahua with the body of a Dachshund is much more elegant and strong than with its fragile little body.

On the other hand, the elegance of a Chihuahua’s head on a sausage dog’s body makes it one of the most peculiar and beautiful dog breeds. They say there’s a taste for everything…


Mixing the two of the most adorable races on the planet couldn’t make a less adorable result. Imagine a furry Husky that you could even hide in?

How about a gray or earth colored chow chow with blue eyes? When you see it, you won’t be able to believe it’s not a stuffed animal.

If you want to arouse the wonder of your friends, there is no breed of dog more peculiar and beautiful than this one.


Love Golden Retrievers, but don’t have room for one in your little apartment? Do not worry! Now you can have a little one.

Yes, this is the result of mixing a sausage dog with a Golden Retriever. How did the act itself happen? We do not know. What we do know is that it exists and that you can have a Golden the size of a sausage dog. Or a sausage dog with a lot of fur… It just depends on how you perceive the breed.


Siberian Husky Puppy

We weren’t sure if you would guess which two breeds of dog were mixed here. But if you thought of a Husky and a Pit Bull, you’re right.

These two breeds of dogs are precisely the ones that mixed this graceful animal out. Pit bull size and bearing, Husky muzzle and fur, blue eyes. Know something weirder and more adorable in a single “pack”?

These are some of the funniest and most charming dog breeds we’d like you to meet. We hope you enjoyed it and if you know of any others, please share it with us.

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