6 Tips To Make Your Dog Happy

6 tips to make your dog happy

They say that dogs are our best friends and are always willing to please us  . However, would you be able to make your dog happy? Fortunately, this is not too difficult to achieve, so follow these 6 steps and you will have a mentally stable dog in iron health for years to come.

1 Pet your dog

Spend some time in the day with your dog, make it part of your daily routine and do it with quality. Take the opportunity to caress him, hug him or give him a relaxing massage on his legs and thighs.

Dogs, especially those that are older, love physical contact, especially if it comes from the person they feel the most affection for.

A loving treatment is highly recommended for your pet’s health, it will build your pet’s confidence, improve self-esteem and significantly lower stress levels that could otherwise accumulate.

Petting is also the fastest way to generate a deeper bond with your pet. A dog that lets you get close and in touch with him means that he trusts you and that he knows you won’t hurt him.

Especially if he sleeps close to you or shows you vulnerable areas such as his belly.

2 Treat your dog with respect

Como ter um relacionamento amigável com seu cachorro

Your dog, especially if you raised him as a puppy, develops a bond of submission and trust with you.

Respect this familiarity and don’t abuse it, treat your dog with the love he deserves, don’t tie him up or isolate him, educate him correctly without the use of violence.

Allow him to be with other people and animals, do not mutilate him for aesthetic reasons and feed him correctly.

Understand that your pet’s life depends entirely on you, and that you and your attitudes will directly affect their quality of life.

3 Keep your dog active

Dogs are very energetic and need constant physical activity. Take a few minutes out of your day to play with it.

You can toss a ball, take a long walk in the park, or take it somewhere else that is conducive to hiking.

This will be very good for your pet, through playing you stimulate his intelligence, develop skills and interact with different elements and environments.

4 tours

Look for public places to walk your dog every day, you can go to a nearby park, take him to the beach or even on the street, any space where you can walk your pet and spend quality time with him.

Remember that the interaction with new spaces, elements and smells is very important for the proper development of your pet, this will increase its known universe, as well as make it more confident for new experiences.

This is also an excellent way to stimulate your muscles as well as strengthen your immune system. Keep in mind that before taking your dog out, he must have completed the vaccination chart.

5 Education

Como educar um cão corretamente

Something that will greatly improve  living with your dog, and will make both your life easier and happier, is education.

Rather than teaching you to do a few tricks, the entire process of educating a dog should be guided by a set of rules that specify what is allowed and what is not.

In your pet’s education, you should include meal times, walks, where he should sleep, what elements can be reproduced, where he should do his needs, etc.

This process ensures a good adaptation of the dog in the house and will avoid many annoyances, so take time to educate him.

6 Reward good behavior

Encouraging your dog makes his educational process easier, so reward him when he does something he likes.

Whether with treats, petting or toys, reward him as soon as he does something you asked or if he has responded to certain training commands, praise him, celebrate and reinforce the behavior through positive reinforcement .

That way, your dog will be more than willing to follow your instructions and house rules.

As you can see, making your dog happy is not out of this world, it just takes a little dedication. Your reward will be being able to enjoy, for a long time, all the affection and attention that your best friend can give you.

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